Announcement of Temporary Hiatus

Hey everybody!

Writing has always been a passion of mine. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved it. I always enjoyed writing this blog, but I didn’t want it to ever feel like a chore, or a job. Unfortunately, that’s kind of what it’s starting to feel like.

As I’m sure some have noticed, my posting has been much less consistent than usual. I wanted to never miss a post, but that’s becoming harder and harder as I have more schoolwork and personal things.

So basically, I’m going to stop Bombs and Blockbusters for a little while. Take a vacation, essentially. Not too long, maybe just a month or two. Because I’ve noticed the quality in the writing start to take a dive, and I really don’t want to do this if I don’t enjoy it.

In addition to this, readership and reactions have gone down significantly. I always tried to distance myself from the stats, but its kind of unavoidable for me. It’s disheartening to make something that I know isn’t very good, publish it, and see poor results. It’s unfair to me, and it’s unfair to you.

So yeah, not a major announcement or anything. I may still write reviews, and I will be back. I’ll start again once my fingers start itching to do more writing (which won’t be long, I promise)

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you soon!

3 thoughts on “Announcement of Temporary Hiatus

  1. Damn…

    And I was just about to subscribe to the RSS feed. Talk about bad timing…

    I’ll subscribe anyway and hope you’ll return.


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